Athens GA Child custody Lawyer


Introduction to Child Custody:
Child custody law includes more than the parenting decisions determined in divorce proceedings. This also includes paternity issues that arise from a couple who were never married, or in a relationship, which places our child custody attorney in Athens GA at the head of the industry. At the Law Office of Samuel E. Thomas, our ATHENS GA CHILD CUSTODY LAWYER  is experienced in representing the best interests of the children who are immersed in these disputes. We represent both mothers and fathers and commit to providing the best outcome for our clients, and the child’s best interests are always at the center of the debate. The goal is to provide a safe and providing lifestyle for the child(ren) who is becoming the center of the divorce’s strategy, and for those who have just discovered that they are fathers. No matter which side of the courtroom you are on, our attorney provides unmatched representation in child custody law. He affords you the ability to maintain more than a relationship with your child, but to be part of their day to day lives and involved in the decision-making process. Mr. Thomas provides initial consultations to those who are seeking legal custody, physical custody, or both, of their child. It is our goal to uncover all of the facts regarding your particular case. Once we have a firm grasp on your involvement in the child’s life, and that of the other parent, we will mount a strategic and aggressive approach to deliver the best outcome for the child.
What is Child Custody Law?
In the state of Georgia, each judge would like to see both parents play a significant role in their child’s development, as would our ATHENS GA CHILD CUSTODY LAWYER, but sometimes that just is not the case. Often times the child’s parents cannot see eye to eye on the best parenting techniques or approaches, which cause discontent in the life of the young one who simply wants to feel loved by both sides. When this matter has to be decided in a court of law, there are two areas of child custody law that are up for discussion: Legal custody and physical custody.
Legal Custody:
Legal custody is the shared responsibility of the parents to engage in discussion with one another to make decisions regarding the health, education and general welfare. This type of custody grants a legal “say” to both parties so the child can be raised with balance and integrity. When it is simply not in the best interest of the child to live under joint legal custody, one parent can enlist the court’s help in assigning sole legal custody to him or her to avoid the opinions or feelings of the other parent in the child’s upbringing.


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